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Learn more about usage, installation, and other details of Ayda Insights or book a demo with us and see how you can use Ayda in your organisation.


What is Ayda Insights™?

Ayda Insights™ is Adalyon’s behavioural analytics platform for teams and team leaders. Using AI, we designed Ayda to help team members and leaders improve hybrid leadership, collaboration skills, and healthy team dynamics.

Powered by AI and behavioural science, Ayda analyses your team communication behaviour and gives objective data and insights on how to improve for better and more sustainable performance.

How can I get Ayda?

If you’d like to try Ayda, please contact us at info@adalyon.com. Let’s book a session and we’ll walk you through it!

How can Ayda help me and my team optimize collaboration?

Ayda visualises team dynamics making you aware of recurring behaviours. It gives you an objective view of team dynamics, making it easy to see which areas to improve or work on. Reinforce, learn or unlearn behaviours with Ayda’s behavioural guidance.

Ayda can be used at a team-level in meetings or chat. In this case, Ayda gives a team-level view of each meeting or a report of the channel’s discussions. Ayda can also be used individually. In that case, you can see your own behaviours and how they compare to those of your team.

How can I install Ayda?

Ayda is super easy to use! Ayda is added as an app to Microsoft Teams or Slack, which takes a couple of minutes.

MS Teams

During the installation, you can choose which recurring or individual meetings you want to add Ayda to, and there are no further actions required. Ayda will automatically update the dashboard after each meeting, and everyone who attended the meeting can view the stats immediately after the meeting.


It takes a couple of minutes to add Ayda to your Slack workspace, and from there to each of the channels you’d like it to analyse. When added, Ayda always introduces itself and asks for individual’s consent for each channel. Ayda gives its first insights after about 2–4 weeks and can also aggregate different channel’s data if needed.

What does Ayda measure?

MS Teams

Ayda focuses on 4 metrics that indicate meetings' efficiency, trust & safety, inclusion, and engagement. It gives scores in each area along with suggestions for improvement.


Ayda analyses 9 different behavioural markers that research shows impact team dynamics and psychological safety. Similarly, Ayda does network graphs on collaboration and information flow. This is helpful to show who collaborates the most, and whether there are bottlenecks that should be addressed.

Do you provide support with Ayda?

Yes, we absolutely do! In case you have any questions or concerns, you can contact us at support@adalyon.com.

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